

After the unification of the two Roaster Guilds from the EU and the USA, we realized that in order to effectively serve our community we would need to pivot and reorganize how we function. Previously our work was done in committees which resulted in many small meetings, but less collaboration. Inspired by our Mission & Goals, a group met and created the three key initiatives to focus our energy and collaborate as a global council. The creation of these three key initiatives has allowed us to form working groups when needed and collaborate with regional communities as well as the larger coffee community.

The first initiative is about networking and the value of sharing knowledge. 
Industry networking is one of the most valuable parts of being a member in our community. The CRG recognizes that it has the ability to help amplify the voices of our community and to propel their message to other parts of the globe. Without physical events in 2020, our social media and online presence really carried the majority of the work. Instagram live, online webinars, and posting resources on our blog and in our newsletter

The second initiative is about outreach to underserved communities.
As a global council, we realize that in order to truly serve the global community we must make sure that we are inclusive of all regional and social communities. The CRG looks forward to creating partnerships for future physical and online events.

The third initiative is about the role of sustainability in the coffee industry and the desire to create a Sustainability Toolkit.
There is no question that sustainability is the key to the success of our industry. The definition of sustainability has grown to include economic, social, and environmental issues. 


To find out more about which projects are currently being worked on within the CRG, please feel free to reach out to us and we are happy to engage in a conversation with you and see how and where you could support the CRG.

Do you have an idea for a project that fits within the above-mentioned three key initiatives? Get in contact with us and let’s see if we are able to support your project proposal.