It's Time to Talk About Matters of Racial Inequity — Coffee Roasters Guild
It's Time to Talk About Matters of Racial Inequity

It's Time to Talk About Matters of Racial Inequity

The Coffee Roasters Guild leadership, in light of current events in the US and around the world, are adding our voice in support of those protesting systemic oppression, police brutality, and injustices against the black community. We refuse to stand by silently when we see the opportunity for change within our own roasting community and larger specialty coffee community. 

As the CRG Leadership Council, we are taking this time to have challenging, difficult and important discussions on matters of racial inequity. By looking at ourselves first, we can begin to live up to our values and mission. 

At this juncture, two areas continue to present ongoing challenges: 

First, our ability to engage a more diverse leadership and working group teams. While our council has an equity in gender balance, we are primarily a white US and European group. In this respect, we promise to seek out Leadership Council and Working Group members that better represent our global population.

Second, our internal ED&I Committee work has largely stalled due to a lack of adequate resources and support. Our volunteer organization cannot bear the burden of this work without having the ability to engage with our broader leadership and seek professional advice.

These are just two areas where improvement is needed and we recognize that it’s just the beginning. We are encouraged by recent conversations with Yannis Apostolopoulos, Chief Executive Officer of the SCA, to help address these issues. We know we can do better and we know we can’t do this alone. 

We encourage all of our members and the specialty coffee community at large to take this time for introspection and action. Difficult conversations and confronting our own biases will lead to dramatic change in our culture and communities. Resources are widely available and we would like to suggest a few as a starting place.

We encourage you, the coffee community, to stand with us in support of #BlackLivesMatter and racial injustices in the US and around the world. 

We openly welcome your feedback and the ability to dialog with the CRG membership.

The Coffee Roasters Guild Leadership Council

Meet The CRG Leadership Council

The CRG is governed by a group of elected leaders, the CRG Leadership Council (CRGLC). The CRGLC exists to facilitate ongoing delivery of member benefits and services specific to the Guild and as outlined in the SCA Strategic Plan. Council members add intellectual, political, and social value to new and ongoing initiatives of the SCA, CRG and the industry. The Council will provide SCA specialized expertise in its focused area through the contributions of knowledgeable, influential experts. The CRGLC is comprised of a collaborative team of 4 Officers and 8 CRG members-at-large.

Meet the CRGLC here >>

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